Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Live a Life of Purpose

We spend our lives looking for ways to get what we want and to feel good.

Here we have two choices in life: living a love-based life or living a fear-based life.

In the beginning, feeling good is at the core of all we do, just look at any infant.

They have no problem wanting to feel good: be fed, dry, warm and loved.

They are fully connected to the Source of all things.

We know that because they are full of joy, and then they grow up.

As we age, we begin to make a shift in what we are looking for, and somewhere along the way we get stuck.

We start listening to the voices around us from our school, families, society in general, and move away from the joy of living, away from our true purpose in life.

I am not suggesting that we do not complete our socialization process.

It is important part of our growth cycle to evolve in this way.

I am suggesting that we not get stuck on a perpetual treadmill that moves no where.

We live our lives doing things the same way, and expecting a different outcome.

So do something different to get a different response.

Make that goal to keep energy lifted to its highest state of consciousness.

This keeps the flow of energy in and around us moving.

So to keep it coming to us, we need to reframe our thinking about what we see.

Light Shifting is a process of moving from a position of fear and control to trusting the intuitive part of the self to dissolve the ego to its highest state of consciousness.

We can get there through meditation, reframing our thinking, acts of love or within the memory of love and music.

During these processes we make better decisions, experience greater states of health, are more in touch with synchronistic events, more focused, and shine from the inside out.

Light Shifting increases the frequency of one's energy, vibrating higher and higher to its purest state of light and love.

You have the power to live at this level--take your power!


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