Thursday, January 8, 2009

Where to Begin on Your Path of Personal Growth

Most of the 64 Laws of Success are short and sweet, but very important to your success.

As the saying goes, sometimes less is more - pay attention!

Your brain is constantly on the lookout for what it can achieve or create next.

When you don't give your subconscious mind specific instructions on exactly what you want, how much of it, and when, it can't perform to the level that is within its power.

What is it that gets your juices flowing?

What gets you so excited that you can't sleep at night?

Fill out an "order form" of exactly what you want, how much, and by when, then give it to your brain by reading it (preferably out loud) at least three times every day.

Make sure to include specifics such as amount, size, color, date and any other details that are important to you.

Your subconscious will go immediately to work to create your goals as results in your life.

Along the journey of creation, your mind, now having daily instructions, will help make you aware of what to focus on, what to act on, who to pay attention to, and who and what to ignore.

Once you start taking action, you'll begin getting many types of feedback on how you're doing.

Respond to feedback positively, even that which is negative.

Can you see that the universe is telling you how, why and where to improve what you're doing?

You may find that much of the time (in fact, most of it!), you're veering off track and having to constantly adjust to eventually reach your destination.

Do you want to reach your goal even faster?

Ask your customers, clients, prospects, friends, and family members how they feel you're doing in a particular area on a scale of 1 - 10.

Keep in mind that all feedback isn't accurate because it relates to the person giving the feedback more than it does you (or your product or service).

You're going to fall off the bike a lot on the journey to achieving your goal.

Just get up, dust yourself off, get back on the bike, and keep riding.

Your expertise and skills are growing - keep at it!


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